Village Hall Talks at Wootton-By-Woodstock

Oxford Mail Wednesday 25th September 2013 - Hall Of Fame
The Telegraph Saturday 6 January 20011 - Country Diary
The Observer Sunday 22 March 2009 - Get Off That Sofa
Oxford Mail Thursday 29th January 2009 - Talk is really off the wall
Oxford Mail Monday 12th January 2009 - Speaking up to help hall
Oxford Mail Friday 9th January 2009 - State of Fear

Oxford Mail Wednesday 25th September 2013

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Clive Aslet The Telegraph, Saturday 6 january 2011
Please click the image to see the full story in the online Telegraph
  Click to view story on the Telegraph website.

The village of Wotton-by-Woodstock in Oxfordshire has everything: an oversubscribed school, a shop and a village hall, erected in that great era of village hall-building, the Twenties; but now it’s in need of a new roof.

A journalist in the village has organised a programme of literary events, as part of a fund-raising campaign to provide it, and I was invited to give a talk. Having been plied with wine before speaking, I felt it went swimmingly; whether the audience were of the same mind is, of course, a different matter.

However, they did turn out in large numbers on a snowy night and sat through it in their overcoats: a testament to their commitment to the village. Afterwards, a couple reminisced about the condition of rural life in the Seventies, exemplified by the state of one of their parent’s cottages. The building’s walls streamed with water, the lavatory was at the other end of the garden and not a bean was ever spent on repairs.

By contrast, the problems facing villages today are rather those of affluence. People may struggle with high property prices, but most of the houses have been done up. >

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  Click to view story on the Guadian Observer website.
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  Click to view story on the Oxford Mail website.
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Oxford Mail Monday 12th January 2009
Please click the image to see the story on the Oxford Mail website.
  Click to view story on the Oxford Mail website.
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Oxford Mail Friday 9th January 2009
Please click the image to see the story on the Oxford Mail website.
  Click to view story on the Oxford Mail website.
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